Credits to Apollo. <3


Name: Larkswoop (Larkpaw, Larkkit)
Prefix + Meaning: Lark - a small ground-dwelling songbird, typically with brown streaky plumage, a crest, and elongated hind claws, and with a song that is delivered in flight.
Suffix + Meaning: Swoop - (especially of a bird) move rapidly downwards through the air.
Age (In Moons): 30 Moons
Gender + Pronouns: AFAB - She / Her
Orientation: Heterosexual (Straight)
Voice Claim: Elise Ecklund
Song: Misery Business - Paramore
Date of Creation (Birthday): October 17th, 2023

Residence: ThunderClan
Rank: Warrior
Apprentice(s): Silverpaw (Formerly), Tigerpaw (Missing), Falconpaw (Missing), Ravenpaw (Current), Bramblepaw (Current)
Former Mentor: TBD

Mother: Devineecho (Deceased)
Father: Smoketear (Deceased)
Siblings: Willowfrost, Crowtalon (Missing), Breezepool
Mate: Finchswoop
Kits: N / A

Active Purrks: Killer Aptitude Tier 3, Flock Together Tier 3, Lyrebird's Lullaby

Positive Relationships
Finchswoop (Finchy)
Sunflare (Sunny)
Silverpaw (Silvs)
Willowfrost (Wills, Frosts)
Ravenpaw (Rave)
Breezepool (Breeze)

Neutral Relationships

Negative Relationships
Burningflame (Deceased)
Flamesnap (Deceased)
Tidemoon (Deceased)
Crowtalon (Left)

''I don't know who you think you are, Burningflame, to demand my respect whenever you have done nothing to deserve it. I would rather join StarClan than side with you and whatever you're planning.'' - Larkswoop to Burningflame in the ThunderClan Clearing''I know I'm on thin ice, thank you very much. I'm trying my utmost best to be accepted back into this Clan, but it's hard, Bumblestar, when the only cats here who actually give a damn about you are your kin, your mate, and your former apprentice!'' - Larkswoop to Bumblestar in Bumblestar's Den''Silvs, I appreciate you trying to protect me, but you could've really gotten hurt, putting yourself in danger like that - and so soon after your accident. If that was you trying to repay me for saving you from that dog-fox, do not find another way to do so. I don't need you to repay me. I am a warrior. I am supposed to protect my Clanmates.'' - Larkswoop to Silverpaw in the ThunderClan Clearing Shortly After Being Attacked by Tidemoon and Flamesnap

Credits to Desert Rain Frog (Picture)

Credits to Desert Rain Frog (Top Picture) and IDIOTICBEAN101 (Bottom Picture)